Friday, December 30, 2011


lol. i swear this is a random picture posted by random people on tumblr. but .. hahahahaha

Letting go is much easier said than done. You grow to love someone and letting them go is like losing a part of you. Whenever you know you must let go because it’s what is best for you, you keep thinking of reasons to stick around. I know what I must do. It’s not going to be easy and it will take time for me to completely let go, but it’s what I need to do.

When a girl loves you, no matter how much screwed up you are or no matter how many mistakes you commit, she will always be with you. No matter how stupid your actions are, she will still make things work between the both of you. I used to ask myself why girls always stay with jerks most of the time, but now, I really understand. That is why women deserve more respect, because they don’t give up on relationships easily like guys do, no matter how hard or difficult things can get. Guys could learn a few things from you ladies.

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