Saturday, January 12, 2008


today went for the youth olympics games(yog) seminar in suntec city.. its quite boring but have lots of fun with my dear dear pap!! and takes lots of nice pics!!! i find the olympics video very very meaningful... let's wish singapore best of luck in bid for the host for the youth olympics games~~ celebrate humanity^^ pics below.. lol..

all tgt ^^

galz emo...

emo galz

emo adil but cool..

Adil(holding on to the pole), Brandon(left), Stella(middle) and jian liang(right)
on our way to city hall
same pic.. but cannot see stella..
banner of the yog with our wishes and rach hand.. ^^

same pic with our hands... shi qiang most stylo(with a watch)

the ceiling of the hall

Brandon and Sq.. cool^^
me, rach and stella.. ^^

malz.. sq and brandon.. cool guys.

Sq.. cool... with a ghostly figure of brandon


emo sq and malz

emo malz..

emo jian liang..

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